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Ahlvar Gallery Hana Satin Skirt military green

€259,00 €155,40
The Ahlvar Hana Satin Skirt, Ahlvar Gallery's signature piece, made from a heavy satin/silk stretch and cut at an angle for the perfect drape. This midi skirt includes a double layer elastic waist to make the passenger more comfortable.
How to wear? 

How do you wear the Ahlvar Gallery Hana Satin Skirt military green? 

This skirt can be perfectly combined with the matching top. It is also nice to wear a chunky knitted sweater on top of the skirt for a contrasting difference in fabric!

Fits normal
The model is 1.75m and wears size XS

95% Silk
5% Elastane


  • Made from one of the most exclusive materials: high-quality silk
  • Timeless style, perfect for casual & chic
  • Silky smooth and worn

Washing instructions

1. Steam it
If the blouse is not dirty, steam it!
* A steamer kills 99% of all bacteria. This means that if you don't have a stain on your sides, don't wash it, just steam it and it will look like new again.
* You cannot burn your clothes, which is very easy with an ironing machine.
* Unlike the ironing machine, no sharp creases are created.

2. Wash it
If you need to wash, you can choose to clean the hand wash program on your washing machine.

If you choose the hand wash program, make sure you do the following:
* Use a detergent that is free of enzymes, preferably a silk detergent or a special detergent for delicate and delicate items (ordinary detergent taste the fat that gives silk its soft feel). We can really recommend this.
*Make sure the cup you have regular detergent in is cleaned so the old powder doesn't taint your silk piece.
* Make sure all zippers are closed and the sides are only.
* Once the garment has been washed, hang it directly on a hanger to dry. In this case you will not get any extra wrinkles.

3. Iron it
If you must iron, make sure it doesn't get hotter than one dot because it's super easy to burn the silk fabric. You can work with full steam on your iron to get the fabric completely happy.

But of course we highly recommend a handheld steamer. With a steamer you cannot burn or damage the silk, it is easy to take with you when you travel and steam your blouse while it is hanging on a hanger. It's easy, time-saving and gives great results.

Still unsure about your size? Contact our RIVS team via the chat at [email protected]. We are happy to help you!

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